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Dubai Buzz

Habibi, Come to Dubai

dubai travel

Dubai Duty Free – A Shopping Guide

Dubai: Dubai International Airport is a shopper’s paradise, offering a vast array of products from luxury brands to local delicacies. With its duty-free offerings, you can indulge in some retail therapy before boarding your flight. Let’s explore what you can…

Why Indian people are moving to Dubai? Indian Budget?

Dubai: There seems to be a misunderstanding. While both India and Dubai are significant global players, there’s no direct correlation between the Indian budget announcement and a sudden surge in people moving to Dubai. The decision to relocate to Dubai…

Dubai Digs: Unveiling the Perfect Accommodation for Your Trip – Dubai Buzz

Dubai: Dubai, the dazzling city of skyscrapers and desert adventures, beckons travelers with its glitz and glamour. But with such a vibrant city, choosing the right accommodation can be overwhelming. Should you opt for the comfort and convenience of a…